Sunday, March 11, 2012


Feb 16th 2012
Today I made gel with Ms. Urban. On the station that we made the gel in was instructions with exact measurements to make the gel. 1g of Agarose, 500ml of water and 65 ml of buffer. Then them mixture is heated in a microwave to 1mnt 30secs. Afterwards 1 microliter of Ethedium Bromide (C21H2ON3Br) is added so that it can bind the DNA together; the mixture is then poured into casting trays with combs when the PCR product will be put in.
After 5 minutes of cooling, the gel is put into gel rig for electrolysis. The gel rig is filled with buffer before putting the gel in, allowing the electricity to pass through. After another 5 minutes, the gel rig is turned off, and the gel with PCR reaction is taken for observation. We got 1 positive result for the experiment, on ZAL 74 with optimum temperature of 510C. With the results 510C should be the optimal temperature for our next experiment to get positive results. Also the positive result in this experiment was the one with increased amounts of MgCl2, Primers and Taq. Next time though, we could also increase the primer a bit more because the band we got was a little faded. And the Thermo cycler program would be NAD51L for the new temperature, and we would add 5 cycles to make 39 cycles instead of 34.
With this lab experience, I have learned names of new machines and procedures that will surely be useful later. I measure the agarose in a special weigh scale; I put the PCR reaction into the gel in the gel rig. All these things are important for any lab work and because I plan to work on a lab this is a very valuable learning experience for me.